Already Launched?

The Launch Box is not exclusively for startups. We also serve existing professional services firms that are looking to scale, sell, raise capital, transition leadership, or evaluate other strategic alternatives. We work with smaller firms, often founder-led, that are struggling with growth, succession, and monetization of the business. If you have a professional services business that produces less than $10 -15M in annual revenue, we can help you grow to a point where a meaningful exit becomes feasible.

The Launch Box provides services, systems, capital, and strategic advice to rapidly grow your business with a specific plan to either recapitalize with outside equity, or to sell the entire business in a strategic transaction. We know the players and understand what private equity firms and strategic acquirers are looking for when they evaluate your business. Our objective is to secure the highest valuation for your firm by preparing the business for the market and advising you through the process.

We have also worked with firms looking to spinoff a practice, firms seeking merger partners, firms that need interim leadership or board-level advice, and underperforming businesses that just need operational assistance and strategic advice. Whatever your challenges in running a professional services enterprise, we can help.

Contact us to set up an exploratory conversation.

Focus on what matters.